Core Cache Persistence#

GQty offers easy to use Cache persistence.

  • client.backupPersistence gets all the cache and returns a string, and optionally accepts a version string parameter, that allows for invalidating previous versions of cache, and ignoring them.
  • client.restorePersistence accepts a possible string that should have been stored persistently in some way, and optionally accepts a second version string paramater, that should be the same as the one used in backupPersistence.

Data Revalidation#

For an effective usage of Cache persistence it's almost always required some kind of automatic data refetching, and for that reason we recommend you to use:


In both examples we use a debounce function exported from GQty that reduces the amount calls to the storages, improving the user experience.

Here you can read a quick explanation of debouncing

Local Storage#

In this example, for simplicity we are using localStorage to offer cache persistence, but for most serious applications we recommend using async solutions like localForage.

//... import { debounce } from 'gqty'; // ... export const client = createClient< GeneratedSchema, SchemaObjectTypesNames, SchemaObjectTypes >({ schema: generatedSchema, scalarsEnumsHash, queryFetcher, // ... }); // ... // This conditional should not be present for client-side only apps if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { const backup = debounce(() => { localStorage.setItem('gqty-cache', client.backupPersistence('v1')); }, 1000); client.restorePersistence(localStorage.getItem('gqty-cache'), 'v1'); client.eventHandler.onFetchSubscribe((promise) => promise.then(backup)); client.eventHandler.onCacheChangeSubscribe(backup); }

Async Storage#

We recommend using localForage or @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

import { debounce } from 'gqty'; // ... import localForage from 'localforage'; // import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; export const client = createClient< GeneratedSchema, SchemaObjectTypesNames, SchemaObjectTypes >({ schema: generatedSchema, scalarsEnumsHash, queryFetcher, // ... }); // ... export const clientReadyPromise = client.restorePersistence(() => { // return AsyncStorage.getItem('gqty-cache'); return localForage.getItem('gqty-cache'); }, 'v1'); // This conditional should not be present for React Native or client-side only apps if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { const backup = debounce(() => { // AsyncStorage.setItem('gqty-cache', client.backupPersistence('v1')); localForage.setItem('gqty-cache', client.backupPersistence('v1')); }, 1000); client.eventHandler.onFetchSubscribe((promise) => promise.then(backup)); client.eventHandler.onCacheChangeSubscribe(backup); }